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Latest Chapters (8/11)

The Concrete Jungle

Sep 19th, 2021

Chapter 7 of Nomad Life

I’m not from a big city, or even a city at all for that matter. I’m from the whitest of white suburbia. I grew up about 10 miles outside of Boulder, Colorado, and to me, “the city” has always been Boulder, a college town with a population of ~105,000 full-time residents.

Tomato Tea - Eleven Madison Park

Aug 14th, 2021

Chapter 1 of Dishroom Blunders

I'm adventurous, but I’m not the type of person that needs to try everything.Cat cafe in Japan? I’m good (not a cat person, sorry). Run for public office? No thanks. Stag night in the red light district? That literally sounds like a living hell. But there are...

Roots and Green Shoots

Aug 6th, 2021

Chapter 6 of Nomad Life

Lightning struck near our house, the storm’s roar shaking the warped hardwood floorboards beneath my feet. Birds and bees that were busy moments earlier disappeared. For a few heartbeats, the air was still. Then raindrops fell from the sky—slowly at first, but with increasing density as the clouds darkened...

The Young Man and the Sea

Jul 25th, 2021

Chapter 5 of Nomad Life

I slipped my feet into my running shoes and tied them with a double knot. Skutull knew what that meant—either he was going to be left home to guard the house or he was about to do something fun. He looked up at me with pitiful eyes and a wagging tail, hoping he could will the latter into fruition. To his relief, I opened the front door and signaled him out into the Oregon forest where we were greeted by a cloud of fir spores blowing from the trees. The scents of pine and melon danced up my nose...